Test |
In Range |
Out Of Range |
Units |
Reference |
Hemoglobin A1c |
A1c (percent) |
5.5 |
% |
4.8 - 5.6 |
Average Glucose |
111 |
mg/dL |
Hemoglobin A1c
5.7 - 6.4% |
Increased Risk of diabetes mellitus |
>= 6.5% |
Consistent with diabetes mellitus |
ADA Therapeutic goal |
< 7% |
HbA1c |
Additional action suggested |
> 8% |
HbA1c |
Immediate action suggested |
> 10% |
HbA1c |
Estimated average glucose is calculated using the equation eAG - (28.7xHbA1c)-46.7 |
%hb A1c |
Estimated Average Glucose (eAG mg/dL |
5 |
97 |
6 |
126 |
7 |
154 |
8 |
183 |
9 |
212 |
10 |
240 |
11 |
269 |
Method is NGSP certified |
References: |
1. American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2010 Jan 33:s11-s61 |
2. Nathan DM et al. Translating the A1c assay into estimated average glucose values. Diabetes Care 2008 Aug 11:1473:1478 |
Vitamine B12 |
445 |
pg/mL |
211 - 911 |
138 |
U/L |
20 - 260 |
New reference range change is small, assay runs 10% higher, and is tracable to IFCC. |
Comp Metabolic Pnl |
Sodium |
141 |
mmol/L |
136 - 145 |
Potassium |
4.6 |
mmol/L |
3.5 - 5.1 |
Chloride |
107 |
mmol/L |
98 - 107 |
CO2 |
31 |
mmol/L |
21 - 32 |
Anion Gap |
3.2 |
mmol/L |
3 - 12 |
Glucose |
91 |
mg/dL |
70 - 99 |
23 H |
mg/dL |
7 - 18.0 |
Creatinine |
1.4 H |
mg/dL |
0.8 - 1.3 |
eGFR-Other |
53 L |
See Comment |
> 60 |
eGFR-African American |
> 60 |
See Comment |
> 60 |
Units: ml/min/1.73 m2. Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate values are calculated by MDRD equation and are valid only if creatinine level is stable. GFRs are most accurate for results 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 or less. Reference: www.nkdep.nih.gov/professionals/index.htm |
Calcium |
9.4 |
mg/dL |
8.5 - 10.1 |
Total Protein |
7.0 |
g/dL |
6.2 - 8.5 |
Albumin |
4.2 |
g/dL |
3.4 - 5.0 |
Bilirubin, Total |
0.5 |
mg/dL |
< 1.1 |
Alkaline Phosphatase |
66 |
U/L |
50 - 136 |
15 |
U/L |
15 - 37 |
34 |
U/L |
30 - 65 |
Lipid Profile |
Cholesterol |
210 H |
mg/dL |
< 200 |
Triglyceride |
99 |
mg/dL |
< 150 |
89 |
mg/dL |
> 40 |
LDL (calculated) |
101 H |
mg/dL |
< 100 |
Cholesterol:HDL Ratio |
2.4 |
< 5.0 |
Cholesterol / HDL Cholesterol Ratio Interpretation |
Risk |
Female |
Male |
1/2 Average |
3.27 |
3.34 |
Average |
4.44 |
4.97 |
2X Average |
7.05 |
9.55 |
3X Average |
11.04 |
23.39 |
VLDL (calculated) |
20 |
mg/dL |
5 - 40 |
Magnesium |
2.1 |
mg/dL |
1.8 - 2.4 |
PSA, Total |
3.85 |
ng/dL |
< 4 |
Results obtained using Dade Behring EIA method. Numeric values obtained from other manufacturer's methods may not be used interchangeably. |
T3 Total |
L 85 |
ng/dL |
87 - 167 |
T4, Total |
8.4 |
ug/dL |
4.7 - 13.3 |
TSH 3rd Generation |
1.639 |
mIU/L |
0.400 - 4.500 |
Vitamin B6 |
Vitamin B6, Plasma |
46 H |
ng/mL |
2.1 - 21.7 |
Results Confirmed By Repeat Analysis. |
Conversion Factor: Nanograms/mL x 4.046-nanomoles/L |
Vit D,1,25-Dihydroxy |
Vit D3,1,25, OH, Total |
37 |
pg/mL |
18 - 72 |
Vit D3,1,25, OH,2 |
37 |
See Comment |
Vit D2,1,25, OH,2 |
< 8 |
See Comment |
Reference ranges are established for total 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D. Values for subcomponents D2 (derived from plant or fungal sources) and D3 (derived from human or animal sources) are provided for informational purposes only. |
This test was developed and its performance characteeristics have been determined by Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute, San Juan Capistrano. Performance characteristics refer to the analytical performance of the test. |
Vitmine D, 25-Hydroxy |
Vit D, 25-OH,Total |
60 |
ng/mL |
30 - 100 |
25-OHD3 indicates bboth endogenous production and supplemntation. 25-OHD2 is an indicator of exogenous sources such as diet or supplementation. Therapy is based on measurement of Total 25-OHD, with levels <20 ng/mL indicative of Vitamin D deficiency, while levels between 20 ng/mL and 30 ng/mL suggest insufficiency., Optimal levels are >= 30 ng/mL |
Vit D, 25-OH,D3 |
60 |
ng/mL |
Vit D, 25-OH,D2 |
< 4 |
ng/mL |