Unusual Symptoms

Lab Test July 24, 2013 Genova Diagnostics - page 4

50th 75th 90th 95th
Organophosphates - Urine
29. Dimethylithiophosphate (DMTP) < DL 1.8 5.2 15.7 32.4
30. Dimethyldithiophosphate (DMDTP) < DL < DL 0.09 2.14 5.27
31. Dimethylthiophosphate (DETP) < DL < DL 0.07 1.47 2.62
32. Diethyldithiophosphate (DEDTP) < DL     < DL 0.41
33. Atrazine* < DL       < DL
34. Atrazine mercapturate* < DL     < DL 0.072
Percentile values for organophosphates are from the NHANES Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, CDC, 2009
*No national reference ranges are established for Atrazine or Atrazine mercapturate; percentile ranges are based on patient samples analyzed at Genova Diag.

Bisphenol A (BPA) - Urine
35. 4-Nonylphenol** 5.52 < DL < DL 1.11 4.69
36. Bisphenol A 1.93 1.95 3.45 6.09 10
37. Triclosan < DL 12 50 233 443
Percentile values are from the NHANES Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals, Updated Tables, CDC 2011
**No national reference ranges are established for 4-Nonylphenol. Percentile ranges are based on patient samples analyzed at Genova Diag.
<DL = less than detection limit