Test |
In Range |
Out Of Range |
Units |
Reference |
Renal Panel |
Sodium |
L 132 |
mmol/L |
136 - 145 |
Potassium |
4.3 |
mmol/L |
3.5 - 5.1 |
Chloride |
101 |
mmol/L |
98 - 107 |
Glucose |
96 |
mg/dL |
70 - 99 |
21 H |
mg/dL |
7 - 18.0 |
Creatinine |
0.99 |
mg/dL |
0.50 - 1.30 |
eGFR-Other |
72 |
> 60 |
Units: mL/min/1.73 m2. Estimated glomerular filtration rate values are calculated using the CKD-EPI eauation. |
Calcium |
9.1 |
mg/dL |
8.5 - 10.1 |
Albumin |
3.8 |
g/dL |
3.4 - 5.0 |
CO2 (Bicarbonate) |
27 |
mmol/L |
21 - 32 |
Phosphorus |
3.1 |
mg/dL |
2.5 - 4.9 |
Anion Gap |
4 |
mmol/L |
3 - 12 |
DHEA Sulfate |
< 26 |
ug/dL |
<= 76 |
Osmolality |
L 282 |
m0sm/kg |
289 - 308 |
Testosterone, Free Total SHBG, Adult Male |
 [ |
SexHormone Bind Glob |
125.2 H |
nmol/L |
11.0 - 78.0 |
Testosterone |
640 |
ng/dL |
240 - 871 |
Free Testosterone |
0.174 |
nmol/L |
Osmolality, Urine, Random |
635 |
50 - 1,400 |
m0sm/kg |