Unusual Symptoms

Procedure Eye Exam July 20, 2004

This is just a quick note for your records.  [Patient] was seen for a follow-up check, he has had some progressive worsening of his vision, both reading and distance.

On ocular exam, best-corrected vision is now about 20/50 in each eye, due to slight worsening of his mature nuclear cataracts.  He also has mild corneal dystrophy with central cloudiness in each eye, but normal central corneal thickness.  Fundus exam remains within normal limits.  Intraocular pressure is 121 mmHg in each eye (normal 10-24 mmHg).<\p>

[Patient's] cataracts have matured, but given that his bothersome visual symptoms are relatively mild to moderate, I think we can wait on cataract surgery for now.  He will return in six months for a follow-up check, or sooner if his bothersome visual symptoms worsen.

With sincere best personal regards,