Unusual Symptoms

Procedure Eye Exam April 6, 2005

Through the kindness of your referral, [patient] was seen today for ocular consultation, with some complaints of blurred vision both for reading and distance.  His past ocular history is unremarkable.  His general health is excellent.  As you know, he is on Lipitor, Wellbutrin, Geodon, Cymbalta, and Provigil.  He has no drug allergies.  A maternal grandmother had cataract surgery, possibly glaucoma.

On ocular exam, the pertinent findings include best corrected vision just about 20/40 in each eye, with his highly nearsighted astigmatic spectacle correction.  Glare testing does demonstrate vision 20/400s in each eye.

Intraocular pressures - 10 mmHg in the right eye and 17 mmHg in the left eye (normal 10-24 mmHg).  On external and slit lamp exam, the pertinent findings include a mild relatively visually insignificant deep corneal stromal dystrophy with slight haziness.  There is a moderate nuclear cataract in each eye.  Dilated fundus exam is within normal limits.

I reassured [patient] that overall his eyes appear healthy, his cataracts are not quite ready for surgery.,  I will see him back in six months for follow-up check or sooner if he notices any worsening of his visual symptoms.

With sincere best personal regards,