Unusual Symptoms

Procedure CT Abdominal December 28, 2007

Full text of Report:

XRAY      DATE: 12-28-07     FINALIZED     PARNASSUS


CT ABDOMEN:12/28/07

No comparison.

CLINICAL DATA:  Adrenal mass seen on prior ultrasound.


Contiguous 1.25 millimeter axial CT images were obtained through the abdomen without the administration of intravenous contrast.  Subsequently, following the administration of intravenous contrast, axial CT images were obtained through the abdomen in the portal venous phase and after a 15 minute delay.


The lung bases are clear.  The heart size is normal.

The liver is normal in size and contour.  Several low attenuation lesions are seen within the liver, some of which are cysts and some of which are too small to characterize.  The gallbladder is decompressed.  The spleen and pancreas are unremarkable.  A low density 1.6 centimeter right adrenal mass is identified which makes CT criteria for an adrenal adenoma.  The left adrenal gland is unremarkable.  The kidneys enhance symmetrically and there is no evidence of hydronephrosis.  Bowel loops are normal in caliber.  There is no free fluid or free air.  No suspicious osseous lesions are seen.


1. 1.6 centimeter right adrenal adenoma.
2. Otherwise, unremarkable CT scan of the abdomen.

End of Full Text of Report.