Unusual Symptoms

Procedure CT Head September 8, 2008

Radiology Consultation Report

EXAMINATION: CT head without contrast

CLINICAL HISTORY: 66-year-old male with new onset occipital headache.

COMPARISON: None Available

TECHNIQUE: Multiple coniguous 2.5 mm transaxial images were obtained from the skull base to the vertex without intravenous contrast.

FINDINGS: There is mild prominence of the extraaxial spaces at the convexxities which is slightly asymmetric, right greater than left. The attenuation of the extraaxial spaces is consistent with cerebrospinal fluid. No associated mass effect is seen.

The ventricles and sulci are normal in size for the ;paatient's age. No acute hemorrhage, large vascular territory ischemia or infarct, or mass effect is seen. Gray/white differentiation is preserved.

A tiny mucous retention cyst is noted in the left maxillary sinuis. The other paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are clear. Bilateral intraocular lens implants are noted. The orbits are otherwise unremarkable.

No suspicious osseaus lesions or acute frature seen. The extacranial soft tissues are unremarkable.


1. Slight asymmetry of mildely prominent extraaxial spaces at the convexities, right greater than left without associated mass effect. This may simply represent slightly asymetric cerebral volume loss. If the patient has a history of recent trauma and/or coagulopathy, this could represent a small chronic/resolving subdural hematoma or subdural hygroma.

2. Otherwise, normal CT of the brain without evidence of acute intracranial abnormality.

email: symptom@unusualsymptom.info
Page Revised: June 6, 2012