California Pacific Medical Center - San Francisco, California
Radiology Consultation Report
- MEDICAL HISTORY: Adrenal Mass, Compare to Prior
- COMPARISON: 12/20/10
- FINDINGS: Multiple transverse and longitudinal sonograms were obtained through the abdomen with special attention to the kidneys.
- The right and left kidneys measure 10.8 and 10.9 cm respectively, in length. No renal calculus, hydronephrosis, or perinephric fluid collection is idetnified.
- Prostatomegaly with calculated volume of 54 cc. 45 cc postvoid residual.
- Stable right adrenal mass measuring 1.8 x 1.4 x 1.5 cm.
- The visualized aorta and inferior vena cava are normal in caliber.
- The urinary bladder is unremarkable.
- No free fluid is identified.
- IMPRESSION: Stability of right adrenal mass suggests benign etiology/adenoma, however consider noncontrast ct for confirmation.
- Prostatomegaly with 45 cc postvoid residual.