Unusual Symptoms

Procedure Surgical Pathology Report Esophagus October 11, 2016


Final Result


Gastroesopageal Nodularity

Clinical History:

History of esoph CA; s/p EMR esoph. Upper GI endoscopy EMR- rule out Barrett's, dysplasia, neoplasm.

Final Microscopic Diagnosis:

Mild cardia reactive changes without suggestion of dysplasia, GE junction EMR.
Comment: EMR captures the transformation zone and cardia shows a slight reactive change focally with no suggestion of dysplasia. There is no specific suggestion of Barrett's mucosa with PAS Alcian blue also negative. There is no suggestion of the patient's prior adenocarcinoma.

Gross Description:

One part is received in formalin in a container labeled with the patient's name, date of birth and "gastroesophageal nodularity". It consists of two tan-pink, irregular fragments of tissue measuring 0.9 cm and 1.3 cm in greatest dimentsion. The fragments are differentially inked at the resction margins, sectioned and submitted entirely in one cassette labeled A1.