Unusual Symptoms

Procedure Abdominal Retroperitonal Ultrasouind September 14, 2021


1. Interval development of mild right renal pelvic caliectasis.

Markedly enlarged prostate, possibly slightly increased in size compared to the prior study.

The patient was able to void a very small volume with a large post void residual, urinary bladder. Layering debris is seen within the urinary bladder. [Note, there was no post void. I couldn't go. -TJR]

Unchanged right adrenal nodule.


AGE: 79 years
HISTORY: Nocturia

COMPARISON: 12/22/2020

FINDINGS: Multiple transverse and longitudinal sonograms were obtained through the abdomen with special attention to the kidneys

The right and left kidneys measure 12.2 and 9.6 cm in length.

Mild new right renal pelvic caliectasis.

The visualized aorta and inferior vena cava are normal in caliber.

Urinary bladder is trabeculated as seen on the prior study. Noted on today's study is debris layering within the urinary bladder.

Prevoid volume: 125 cc.

Postvoid volume: 121 cc. [Note, there was no postvoid. I couldn't go. -TJR]

The prostate is markedly enlarged at 5.4 x 3 x 5.8 cm with a calculated volume of 105 ml.

No free fluid is identified.

Again noted is a right adrenal nodule measuring 2.6 x 2.2 x 2.1 cm, essentially unchanged in size compared to the prior study.

IMAGES: Scan on 9/14/2021 11:56 AM