Unusual Symptoms

Lab Test May 29, 2013 Detoxgenomic Profile - page 8


Health Implications: Cytochrome P450 2C9 is involved in the metabolism of many drugs including blood thinners like Coumadin (r). Polymophisms may prevent the normal metabolism of these drugs and side effects are possible. Please refer to the drug pathway chart on the following page.

Minimizing Risks: Your health care provider has a list of drugs cleared through CYP2C9, Consult your physician. You may still need these drugs, but your physician may opt to prescribe a smaller therapeutic dose. Should you need to be placed on a blood thinning agent in the future, make sure your physician knows you have a genetic polymorphism that impairs your ability to break down Coumadin (r). If you are taking aspirin to reduce the risk of colon cancer, switch to a non-aspirin alternative.

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