There are 2 SNPs measured in this gene that predict risk. In this patient, the specific variants for MspI and I462V are both positive. The commentary below reflects these results. Please refer to the drug pathway chart on the following page.
Health Implications: Cytochrome P450 1A1 is responsible for the metabolism of estrogen and certain medications., as well as the activation of numerous environmental toxins such as polcyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g., cigarette smoke, car exhaust, charbroiled meats) and chlorinated benzenes (solvents). Polymorphisms convey a higher capacity for induction with toxin exposure, thus greater activation and potential toxicity of these compounds.
The 2-hydroxyestrogens produced by CYP1A1 are protective against breast cancer when further methylated, but may be carcinogenic when not. Hyperinduction of CYP1A1 also generates mutagenic metabolites, increasing the risk of cancers of the lung, ovary (in smokers), prostate, and colon (in smokers). The SNP has been associated with both decreased and increased risk (in smokers) of breast cancer. Female smokers with the SNP show higher levels of DNA damage than either non-smokers or women without the SNP. The CYP1A1 SNP is also associated with moderately increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus and endometriosis (although studies are inconsistent).
Minimizing Risk: Do not smoke. Minimize exposure to charbroiled and well-done meats., tobacco smoke, car and diesel exhaust, industrial solvents, dioxin-contaminated meats and dairy, incineration, and PVC plastics. Excess exposure to these compounds can generate free radicals and reactive compounds that can increase your long-term risk of developing some cancers. Emphasize a diet rich in anti-oxidants (colorful fruits and vegetables). Extra protection may be afforded by cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli and cauliflower) and green tea, especially in smokers.
DNA damage from reactive intermediates may also be minimized by rosemary, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), curcumin, resveratrol, genistein, hops, vitamin E. and DHEA. Support glutathione conjugation with precursors and cofactors.
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